Our goal as a community is to keep investing in ourselves.  We strive to be better for our current residents and alumni but also, the preservation of this Community is important for future generations.  Here is a list of organizations along with contact names and numbers that would maximize your donations of money and time for Community Betterment! 

Fowler Legacy Foundation: Jan Brock-620-646-6029

Fowler Recreation Commission: Stacy Milford-620-338-3682

Fowler Community Alliance: Steve Dewell-Dean Zortman: 620-646-5990

Fowler Threshing Days: Ashley Boyd: 620-253-0371

Fowler Legion: Sarah Lauppe: 620-482-2385

Fowler Fire Department: Chief Takoda Eckert 620-544-1805

Fowler Alumni: Angie Dewell-620-518-1820

Fowler Senior Center: Kelli Humiston-620-789-0117

Fowler Public Library: Kelli Humiston-620-789-0117

Fowler Wellness Center: Corri McDowell @ Fowler Grade School Office-620-646-5234

Fowler Booster Club: Kevin Milford-620-338-6511

Fowler Schools: TJ Milford, President of the School Board-620-255-6097

Fowler ARTS Council: Karen Friesen-620-635-6442